
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

to be or not to be..... that is the question!

I had to quote shakespeare in this blog... for two reasons.... 1. I am writing an essay on Twelfth Night for my theatre studies paper and... 2. our last audioconference really tossed around that word - performance.

So what is performance? The dictionary says that performance is... a musical, dramatic, or other entertainment presented before an audience.

Yes... our lives have a continually revolving, ever changing audience around us... and while this audience often hears me singing to myself or witnesses me being a bit of a 'drama queen' when things arent going my way.... I probably wouldnt consider my life to be performance-based. YES... we do perform, but it always seems to have negative connotations to it... acting up, not being real with people, faking it, putting on airs with people... I have a problem with the word - performance - because I absalutely believe there is no place for performance in the church. There I said it... how many comments will I get now?

What are you saying Vickie.... you have a heart for dramatic arts in the church.... you are a theatre studies major for goodness sake.... performance is your life isnt it? Surely you perform all the time? NO.... I communicate all the time... but I don't perform (except when im being a drama queen). I believe there's a difference.

The measure of a great preacher is someone who can communicate and do it effectively... not by performing in a certian way, saying the right things, meeting expectations of congregation members.... simply by finding the most direct path for the word of God to go from their mouth to someone's own heart. A great preacher is a communicator strategist. NOT a performer.... watch out steve and Lynne... this will turn up in one of my essays!

Performance.... to be or not to be? That IS the question!

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