
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Communications Team...

Good idea? Who has one at their church? How does it function? What are the ups and downs? I wondered if anyone had set one up at their church because it sounds like a great idea. Picture this... a team who deals with all communications in and out of the church... brand, signage, printing, website etc. But also how we communicate ourselves to visitors on a Sunday and throughout the week... from ushers to signage.

Then I ask.... how does one get around the fact that people resources are always stretched at church? I am a graphic designer by trade and I love creative arts... which means I do all things design and marketing, printing and anything to do with the website inclduing maintaining the e-mail accounts and setting up new sites and e-mails should the need arise. I also lead in drama activities. When I ask for help... the people who I know are able... are already stretched as it is... how do we develop the need for a communication culture in our church so that its not just up to the able few?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Expect the amazing to happen...

Tonight.. this is my safe place to communicate... and communicate something which I really wanted to share during the audiconference on Monday... Warning... i may appear to get emotional on you! I assure you, it's out of passion that I wish to continue our discussion on creativity in the church....

I have a theological problem with creativity because we are made in His image... we are made to be creative. Sin broke down that image.. But Jesus Christ reconciled us back to the father... I’m not saying that the image is fully restored; sin is still prevalent after all... I am saying... when we are in relationship with God – anything and everything is creatively possible. I completely believe in the original idea... and I believe that the church has the potential to reveal a creativity that the world has yet to see.
Furthermore, we have a responsibility to pursue this creativity because it is in the very essence of who God created us to be. We all have creativity within, whether we are in relationship with God or not. BUT I know there is a difference with God... I completely believe that. Yet, what is the church doing creatively that impacts the world and leads the way? I think we get too afraid to use our creativity. We can do music... we’ve been singing since the church was born. The disciples preached...we have learned how to use words... these things are safe. BUT what would the church look like if we really pursued creativity with force?

Creativity should be exercised... like a muscle.

This might seem completely corny... but, indulge me... this is what creativity means to me....(yes... i actually do this....)

I close my eyes and picture myself walk through a tunnel, through a gate, into the sunshine, into a garden. A beautiful garden. I see a park bench and Jesus meets me there. I sit beside him and together, without words, we look out onto the garden that we have created together. I ask God for an idea, a thought, an image... and as the thought or idea or image comes to my mind, He points to an area in the garden that has not yet been developed. And as I continue watching, i see the garden come to life with wildflowers and greenery. That’s what my garden is... its creativity in progress.. as it happens. I have learned that a... we should not be strangers to the ‘garden’...b. that we should look for undeveloped spaces in the garden and c. That we should allow God to show us what we can do when we are in community with Him. Everything has been written in the book of life... nothing surprises God... but that doesn't mean - that we won't be surprised by what we can do creatively - with God.

I strongly disagree with the idea that we should just simply copy and splice into our preaching, ideas and concepts from culture... it's a sad, pathetic copy of something someone has already done. It also gives us the excuse to
a. Become complacent... not exercise that creativity muscle... the world have the ideas... we'll just dip into that pool
b. Not depend on God to bring us to a new level of creativity... what can God give that we can't take from the world?
c. Blame the world when we don't pull if off... it's the world's idea / fault

Here's a 'far out' idea..... Let's ask God. Close your eyes. In the place where you are at, ask God what you could do creatively in the church. Ask God to give you an idea, a thought, an image, a word... anything.... let's be prepared to be amazed... let's expect something amazing.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Through the Grapevine...

I find it interesting that in reading an article about grapvine communication, the 'roumour mill' or the subject of gossip is raised... how could it not? Looking at the pictute on the right... nutrient feeds from the stem through to the tip of each branch... but how does it get there and when it arrives is it in the same condition as when it started the journey? The truth is... the closer a branch is to the vine, the greater the fruit! It is the same for communication... My senior pastor would like to pass information on.... He would speak with his PA... who in turn would send it on or delegate the job to the administrator.. who would... send out a flyer or send off an e-mail. She may even send it to those who are leaders and they in turn, will pass along the message. Then, Sunday rolls around... did everyone get the message the senior Pastor wanted everyone to know? I think there are several common complaints of grapevine communication:
1. The info (nutrient) just doesnt arrive to the intended people.
2. The info arrives... just missing some detail, or even, the addition of some!
3. The info arrives... with extras... pests.... in the name of 'opinion'... what if a leader gets the info but doesnt like what he or she hears... then passes the info along... can you expcect that the info communicated is free from their opinion? This is is the most dangerous because it can cause an avalanche of unhappy people... Ive seen it more than once.

BUT... I also think the grapevine way to communicate can be harnessed. An interesting fact about a grapevine (a real one!) is that in order for all branches to be must be in full sunlight. So, by that standard.... there should also be some kind of open forum of communication occuring alongside grapevine communication, so that any romour, opinion, incorrect info... can be dealt with quickly.

The grapevine DEPENDS on the SON (sun)