
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Expect the amazing to happen...

Tonight.. this is my safe place to communicate... and communicate something which I really wanted to share during the audiconference on Monday... Warning... i may appear to get emotional on you! I assure you, it's out of passion that I wish to continue our discussion on creativity in the church....

I have a theological problem with creativity because we are made in His image... we are made to be creative. Sin broke down that image.. But Jesus Christ reconciled us back to the father... I’m not saying that the image is fully restored; sin is still prevalent after all... I am saying... when we are in relationship with God – anything and everything is creatively possible. I completely believe in the original idea... and I believe that the church has the potential to reveal a creativity that the world has yet to see.
Furthermore, we have a responsibility to pursue this creativity because it is in the very essence of who God created us to be. We all have creativity within, whether we are in relationship with God or not. BUT I know there is a difference with God... I completely believe that. Yet, what is the church doing creatively that impacts the world and leads the way? I think we get too afraid to use our creativity. We can do music... we’ve been singing since the church was born. The disciples preached...we have learned how to use words... these things are safe. BUT what would the church look like if we really pursued creativity with force?

Creativity should be exercised... like a muscle.

This might seem completely corny... but, indulge me... this is what creativity means to me....(yes... i actually do this....)

I close my eyes and picture myself walk through a tunnel, through a gate, into the sunshine, into a garden. A beautiful garden. I see a park bench and Jesus meets me there. I sit beside him and together, without words, we look out onto the garden that we have created together. I ask God for an idea, a thought, an image... and as the thought or idea or image comes to my mind, He points to an area in the garden that has not yet been developed. And as I continue watching, i see the garden come to life with wildflowers and greenery. That’s what my garden is... its creativity in progress.. as it happens. I have learned that a... we should not be strangers to the ‘garden’...b. that we should look for undeveloped spaces in the garden and c. That we should allow God to show us what we can do when we are in community with Him. Everything has been written in the book of life... nothing surprises God... but that doesn't mean - that we won't be surprised by what we can do creatively - with God.

I strongly disagree with the idea that we should just simply copy and splice into our preaching, ideas and concepts from culture... it's a sad, pathetic copy of something someone has already done. It also gives us the excuse to
a. Become complacent... not exercise that creativity muscle... the world have the ideas... we'll just dip into that pool
b. Not depend on God to bring us to a new level of creativity... what can God give that we can't take from the world?
c. Blame the world when we don't pull if off... it's the world's idea / fault

Here's a 'far out' idea..... Let's ask God. Close your eyes. In the place where you are at, ask God what you could do creatively in the church. Ask God to give you an idea, a thought, an image, a word... anything.... let's be prepared to be amazed... let's expect something amazing.


  1. I think you've hit on something very important here Vickie, and I'm still trying to get my head around it. As I said in class, I don't think we can compare our creativity with God's because God (and only God) can create 'ex nihilo'. But what you're saying, if I've understood you right, is that we can offer ourselves as the instruments of God's creativity. That's a very powerful idea.
    I think that might be the answer to your problem with Steve's "DJing" approach as well. I don't think he was saying we should "just simply" copy and splice cultural artifacts into our sermons. (At least, I hope he was saying more than that.) Would it work better for you if "DJing" said explicitly that God is the DJ and we are the medium he uses to identify and assemble the material He wants conveyed to a particular group of people at a particular time and place? A more interesting role for us than just being a pot made by the Master Potter!
    [And I don't mean Harry. :)]

  2. Thanks Vickie. Your notion of creativity as a muscle is a great one and is one I often use in this course. You just beat me to it! :)

    So let me push your muscle metaphor a bit. I kayak. There are techniques in kayaking by which I can use the kayak better. Sure I can just have fun using my muscles (paddling like my 10 year old), but using them with technique is pretty profitable. Initially I concentrate on the technique, but after a while, I get back to enjoying the view.

    The DJing is for me a technique. I see it sitting alongside your passionate post. Yes to creativity and to your wonderful post. And yes also to technique, which is one of the reasons we study and learn.

    Yes to the danger that study dries up creativity. And so we pray that after some practice, the technique/use of muscle is habit and we get back to enjoying the view,

    Steve Taylor

  3. Ross,

    God as a DJ. Yes, yes, yes. Thanks

    Steve Taylor

  4. Ross.... you have spoken well!!! ..... we can offer ourselves as the instruments of God's creativity. That's a very powerful idea.....

    ISNT IT THOUGH?!!!! It's what i believe without a shadow of a doubt... and it scares me at the same time because... it's all God.... who knows what could happen!
